get out of

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get out of

英 [ɡet aut ɔv]

美 [ɡɛt aʊt ʌv]

get out of基本解释

逃避; 戒除; 由 ... 出来


  • 网络解释

1. get out of什么意思

1. 逃避,改掉:get off从......下来;离开,动身,开始 | get out of逃避,改掉 | get over克服;(从病中)恢复过来

2. 逃避;摆脱;改掉:get one's hands on 得到,找到;占有 | get out of 逃避;摆脱;改掉 | get out 离去;(消息等)泄漏

3. 排除:109. have a duty to有责任 | 110. get out of排除 | 111. potential adj.潜在的,势的,

4. 逃避,改掉,摆脱:get off从...下来;离开,动身;开始 | get out of逃避,改掉,摆脱 | get over克服;(从病中)恢复过来

  • 临近词
It was good to get out of the car and stretch our legs.(我们下了车活动活动腿脚,真不错。)
I never see you get out of your armchair.(我从来没有看见你离开过你的扶手椅。)
We are deeply concerned to get out of this problematic situation.(我们非常想摆脱这种问题重重的局面。)
I've got cabin fever. I've got to get out of here.(我得了幽居病,得离开这里。)
Get out of here, ' he roared.(“滚出这里”,他咆哮道。)
We never can get out of this awful place!(我们永远也出不了这个鬼地方!)
He said officers told him to get out of his car and lean against it.(他说警官们命令他从他的车里出来并靠在车上。)
He's quite capable of lying to get out of trouble.(靠撒谎渡过难关他挺有一套。)
What are you going to get out of him if you rub him the wrong way?(如果你无意中惹恼了他,你能从他那里得到什么呢?)
During a fire, the first thing to do is to get out of the house as fast as you can.(发生火灾时,首先要做的就是尽快离开房子。)
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